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Guide to Shin Splints:

Guide to Getting Rid of Shin Splints   Problem: The tibialis anterior muscle is responsible for dorsiflexion (lifting the foot upward). Weakness in this muscle can lead to improper foot
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Where to start?

Look, I get it. It looks cool, you’ve had results, you have experience, but where the heck do I start?   Do you want to improve basketball skill?  If yes,
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How Can Verus Athletics Help Me Reach My Athletic Goals

How Can Verus Athletics Help Me Reach My Athletic Goals? At Verus Athletics, our mission is to elevate athletes of all levels by providing elite, results-driven training. Ryan Christie, our
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What Makes Verus Athletics Different

What Makes Verus Athletics Different from Other Performance Gyms At Verus Athletics, we push every athlete to reach their highest potential, and a critical part of that journey is building
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Why Speed?

When it comes to athletic performance, speed training is nothing short of a cheat code. Whether you’re a basketball player, golfer, volleyball player, or any other type of athlete, speed
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Who should Train with Ryan?

I was asked an interesting question the other day:“Ryan, I’m not a basketball player, but I really want to work with you. Do you have workouts for people other than
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